
Restore Your Pearly Whites To Their Glory

Restorative Dentistry Fairfax Virginia

Fractured, decayed, and missing teeth not only affect your oral health but also negatively impact your ability to function and quality of life.  Supernova Dental will not only restore teeth to their natural appearance, but also, we pride ourselves in our ability to restore the health, integrity, and function of the dentition and supporting oral structures.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges Fairfax Virginia

Let Supernova Dental fill the empty space between your smile with quality custom-made dental bridges. A dental bridge is specifically tailored for each patient and uses dental crowns to affix pontics, or false teeth, to fill in spaces left by a single or missing group of teeth.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns Fairfax Virginia

Let Supernova Dental improve the appearance and restore the strength of your teeth while preserving their functionality with our dental crown services. We ensure you that your newly inserted dental crowns will blend perfectly with your natural teeth, while providing the strength for chewing and biting.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy Fairfax Virginia

Decay or fracture can vary in sizes and they can grow large enough to affect the pulp (nerve) of the tooth. Oral bacteria can then lead to infection of the pulp tissue.  An infected tooth not only causes a great deal of pain, but it will lead to local and systemic health problems if not treated on time. Let Supernova Dental treat the infection and restore the damaged tooth and surrounding structures, with our gentle root canal therapy services. Allowing us to ease your pain, clear the infection, and restore your oral health.


Dentures Fairfax Virginia

When you are in need of replacing several teeth or a full arch of teeth and the option of bridges/implants are not serviceable. Partial dentures or full complete dentures can be an alternative solution for you.  They are convenient and affordable ways to restore missing teeth.

Supernova Dental fabricates partial dentures to replace rows of teeth with only the need of a single appliance supported by the remaining teeth and gum tissue.

Supernova Dental also fabricates full complete dentures to replace entire upper and/or lower arches that sit snuggly on your ridge. Supernova Dental also offers a hybrid solution between implants/dentures, please ask us about it for more details.

Both form of appliances can restore your smile, your bite, and self-confidence.